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A relatively quiet nation that borders the western sea. It is bordered to the northwest by shallow waters and to the southeast by steep mountains. The Cambrian region contains the City of Cambria and several coastal cities, as well as Kerwon, a small island to the southwest. Cocoon Academy is located in the City of Cambria, while Pulse Academy is located on the island of Kerwon.
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Ronastre is a nation located in the northeast, situated on an island off of Yggdrasil’s coast. Home to impressive industry, Ronastre is easily the most industrialized nation in the world. Unlike most nations, Ronastre’s government, military, and Academy function as a single entity located in the City of Ronastre. It is also the location of the Paradius Consortium, the world’s largest supplier of prismere.
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Elysium is located in the southeastern portion of Yggdrasil. Elysium controls the most territory of all of the Great Nations. Some of the terrain includes steep wind-carved cliffs where the region was first settled. The area to the west of Elysium is stated to be filled with swamps where small villages are known to exist, though it can be difficult to traverse due to the presence of daemons. Elysium City houses Avalon Academy while Ortygia is said to houses Olympus Academy.
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Located in eastern Drachma and surrounded by a vast desert lies the nation of Zorran. Like the rest of the nations, Zorran is nominally governed by a council representing its people and their interests. The Academy of Zorran is Ridorana and in some ways is the only true source of law and order in the nation. Zorran is regarded as a lawless land; however, there is an unspoken rule: If you can survive, you’re welcome.
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Advent is a land of piety and devotion to the Creator. Content to be left to their own affairs in the continent of Denarii, the nation houses the Church of Leto, a symbol of the dominant faith of the continent. Easily recognized for its academy, Eden, being a repurposed chapel. The city of Rapture maintains a heavily militarized port authority in order to protect its ships from all manner of piracy. Advent is also rather famous for its vast farmland and is the world’s largest exporter of food.
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Following the Great War, the varani were given the Lotus Isles just north of Prutah as a reward for their participation, in conjunction with a promise of equal rights. It is viewed as a safe haven by most varani; however, others regard it as an elaborate prison designed to keep the varani oppressed. Of the malcontents, none speak louder than the Equalists who have taken to violence as a means of getting their message heard across the world of Aedirn. The varani have made their home in the city of Shirogane, though there are a few outlying settlements under their protection.
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Not all of the continents have been civilized, there are vast swathes of land that are uninhabited with small villages dotting the land. Though, a word to the wise: Tread carefully in the wild as monsters lurk about in the shadows and not just daemons...
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+ welcome to nadir

WELCOME herooftengoku7k
Human, Lucian Stein [WIP] by herooftengoku7k
Kingdom Hearts: Last Hope was created by Mouse with a skin provided by Pharoh Leap. All artwork was gathered from various sources. All rights remain with the creator of said artwork. Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix and Disney. Please support the offical release. The site plot draws heavy insperation from Kingdom Hearts Unchained X but with major edits to better fit the narrative we wish to tell.